The Depths of Twitter
As much as I'd like to say that I'm not that typical person constantly scrolling through social media, I'd be lying. Every day I wake up and tell myself that I'm going to stay off my phone's app section, but I fail, and end up going through the cycle of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, repeat. Out of these three social medias, I feel like Twitter is definitely the most controversial when it comes to political topics in particular; or maybe that's just because of who I follow. For example, I follow @POTUS only because I wanted to see what Barack Obama was relaying to the world through this social forum. Now the person who runs this account is obviously a different person, Donald Trump. Not only do I follow the presidential account, but I also follow President Trumps official Twitter account, @realDonaldTrump.
To put it out there, I'm not a fan of our new President for multiple reasons, but one of the largest being the way he holds himself in the public eye; specifically his Twitter account. The following video is the most recent thing that I wanted to retweet, mainly so I could write my own message above it and shake my head.
SIDE NOTE/EDIT: Literally as soon as I copied the link to show you guys what Trump had tweeted, it was taken down.
This is his most recent tweet that was put out for all to see. A video of Donald Trump and "CNN" wrestling, with Trump tackling his opponent. He had it labeled as "taking down fake news."
Twitter is such a huge public forum that it's a fantastic way to get news to spread quickly, but when such things are being shown across the world by a man who is supposed to respect and protect his fellow citizens, it proves a point that probably wasn't what he tried to portray. Unfortunately, President Trump often tweets like he's a young teenager trying to make fun of others.
This is his most recent tweet that was put out for all to see. A video of Donald Trump and "CNN" wrestling, with Trump tackling his opponent. He had it labeled as "taking down fake news."
Twitter is such a huge public forum that it's a fantastic way to get news to spread quickly, but when such things are being shown across the world by a man who is supposed to respect and protect his fellow citizens, it proves a point that probably wasn't what he tried to portray. Unfortunately, President Trump often tweets like he's a young teenager trying to make fun of others.
I also follow a large array of celebrities that I like keeping tabs on and seeing what's happening in their lives. For instance, I follow all the girls from Teen Mom OG and Teen mom 2. I follow many of the Jersey Shore cast members, and especially those who appear on MTV's The Challenge. I am a reality TV junky so I really enjoy seeing what happens in their daily lives apart from what shows on the TV. I also am a hardcore Grey's Anatomy fan, so I enjoy following the actors and try to pretend like Derek isn't really dead (looking at you @PatrickDempsey.)
I personally used to speak my mind quite frequently on politics on social forums when I was younger. Although I'm not significantly older, I feel like I've learned that one tweet or Facebook status from me, won't make a serious difference. Perhaps it would if I were famous or had a larger following, but typically all I get is replies from older family members telling me how wrong my opinion is. I've learned to just let it go and keep most of my thoughts to myself and silently stew.
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