Fake News

Image result for Donald Trump fake news
President Donald Trump
"Fake News" is a term that has stormed our nation, thanks to our new President. I think it's sad how this man believes anything he doesn't agree with is "fake." Yes, I'm sure there are details that are altered, that happens, but calling an entire news station that many look to as a news source (CNN) fake because he doesn't like their opinions on him... it happens. People have their opinions and it's OKAY for opinions to be said, especially if it's about a person so high up. If anything, we shouldn't be holding out on a person who is so important, we need to be able to hear what investigators are truly finding out.
I agree that the President is harming our first amendment to a point, but at the same time, he isn't forcing these news stories to be deleted. Yet at the same time, it's possible that his attacks are making journalists afraid to write columns that have negative thoughts towards him, which would eventually end up changing the free press because people would be TOO afraid to go against the leader of the country.
I tried googling "Trump's fake news claims" and all the came up was people from both sides reporting on fake news in general... one side claiming Trump was spreading fake news, and the other side saying that liberals are doing nothing but coming up with lies. At this point, it would be nice for it to all just calm down. From my own opinion, I do think that Trump tells it like it is, but not in a good way. He is over the top and pushes things to the limit. I don't believe that everything he is claiming to be fake is truly fake. I feel like our President doesn't like it when he doesn't get his way, and it shows.


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