The information you consume

I like to think that I'm a person who strays away from fake news and actually considered where my facts were coming from, but actually stepping back and thinking about it made me realize that I kind of don't read many trustworthy news sources. Obviously I'm better at it than some of my family members who are constantly sharing those fake news articles about the most outlandish topics and then ranting about "snowflakes." But, considering my main news sources come from the KATU news page on Facebook, yahoo, and sometimes whichever local news station is playing on the TV, I could probably do a better job at finding reliable sources of news. I consider these my go-to news sources because these are typically what are right in front of me. I don't necessarily go out of my way to look at what's going on in the world everyday, it is typically just what I happen to see while scrolling social media.
Fake news is a term that I feel has become very popular in the past year. After watching the ted talk about the Nigerian government throwing the kidnapping under the rug because they didn't have proof or didn't believe it, makes me very concerned for what type of fake news could be circulating our country. One potential fake article or story could lead to lives being endangered or even our day to day lives becoming at risk. Before immediately believing what you read or watch, perhaps do your own research. Compare what other news sources are saying about the subject rather than just believing one source above all others.
Taking the proper steps in knowing your facts before spreading false information will lead to a more educated mass.
 A very reliable quote


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