
Personally, I think that Wikileaks has done some good for our society; only because it has allowed every day citizens to keep their eyes open and gain knowledge that has always been kept secret from us. I'm sure there are many positives to keeping this information private, but I feel like it's important for our world to be as educated as possible with what is really happening.
Image result for julian assange
Julian Assange
For example, in the Ted Talk he talked about information that he released that involved Kenya and their elected officials. Julian Assange basically said that by releasing this information, he shifted the elections and changed Kenya's government.
I find this to be really interesting and important because obviously this information showed the citizens what type of person they were about to elect and changed their minds once they knew the truth; that shows you that information being withheld ( in most cases) doesn't benefit the whole group, only a select amount.
As of now, I feel fairly free when it comes to my freedom of speech and other first amendment aspects. However, I'm not one to stir the pot so to speak so that hasn't really been tested for me. By watching the media and what goes on, I feel like people are still fairly free to post whatever they want; specifically on social media. You can post a business review that bashes the company, you can write a lengthy complaint about our President, shoot, you can even post videos of police and other government officials at work. None of these things have been deemed un-allowed, so I feel like we still have a pretty large array of freedom of speech and expression. 


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